Fees and Cancellation
Fees and Cancellation
Fees are based on an hourly charge of $320/hour. Hourly charges are based on time spent with the client and for work done outside of sessions. Sessions may run over an hour and clients are sometimes late, so fees will reflect this additional time. Clients must cancel a session at least 48 hours in advance to avoid being charged for time scheduled. Payment is due at the end of each session.
Information and Confidentiality
In the course of reviewing a client's personal financial position, it will be necessary for the client to furnish documents and other information as Sharon may reasonably request. The information discussed, collected, and maintained during the sessions will be held in the utmost confidentiality. It will not be shared except as may be required by law or as may be authorized in writing by the client.
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Copyright © 2020, Womoney
last updated 4-20